Developing Struts 2 Login Application The code <s:form action="doLogin" method="POST">generates the html form for the application. The submit button is generated through <s:submit value="Login" align="center"/> <head> <title>Login </head> <body> <p align="center"><font </body> </html>
In this section we are going to develop login application based on Struts 2 Framework. Our current login application does not validate the user against the database. Instead login name and password are validated against the hardcode values (User: Admin and Password: Admin) in the actions class.
Working of the application
1. Login page is displayed to take the input.
2. User enters user name and password and then clicks on the "Login" button.
3. User validation is done in action class and if user enters Admin/Admin in the user name/password fields, then success pages is displayed. Otherwise the error message is displayed on the screen.
Steps to develope the application
Here are simple and easy steps to develop Login page in the using Struts 2 framework.
1. # Develop Login Form
The GUI of the application consists of login form (login.jsp) and success message page (loginsuccess.jsp).
The login.jsp is used to display the login page to the user. In our application it is saved in "webapps\struts2tutorial\pages\" folder. Here is the code of login.jsp file:
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<title>Struts 2 Login Application!</title>
<link href="<s:url value="/css/main.css"/>" rel="stylesheet"
<s:form action="doLogin" method="POST">
<td colspan="2">
<td colspan="2">
<s:actionerror />
<s:fielderror />
<s:textfield name="username" label="Login name"/>
<s:password name="password" label="Password"/>
<s:submit value="Login" align="center"/>
The code :
<s:actionerror />
<s:fielderror />
displays action errors and field validation errors.
The code :
<s:textfield name="username" label="Login name"/>
<s:password name="password" label="Password"/>
generates Login Name and Password fields.
When application is executed it generates the following html code:
<title>Struts 2 Login Application!</title>
<link href="/struts2tutorial/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet"
<form id="doLogin" name="doLogin" onsubmit="return true;"
action="/struts2tutorial/jitendra/doLogin.action" method="POST">
<table class="wwFormTable">
<td colspan="2">
<td class="tdLabel"><label for="doLogin_username" class="label">
Login name:</label>
<td><input type="text" name="username" value="" id="doLogin_username"/>
<td class="tdLabel"><label for="doLogin_password" class="label">
<td><input type="password" name="password" id="doLogin_password"/>
<td colspan="2"><div align="center"><input type="submit"
id="doLogin_0" value="Login"/>
On viewing the above generated html code you will find that Struts 2 automatically generates form, html table, label for the html elements. This is the another great feature of Struts as compared to Struts 1.x.
The loginsuccess.jsp page displays the Login Success message when
user is authenticated successfully. Here is the code of loginsuccess.jsp file:
color="#000080" size="5">Login
2. Developing Action Class
Now let's develop the action class to handle the login request. In Struts 2
it is not necessary to implement the Action interface, any POJO object with
execute signature can be used in Struts 2. The Struts 2 framework provides a base ActionSupport class
to implement commonly used interfaces. In our action class ( we
have implemented ActionSupport interface. Our "" is
saved in the "webapps\struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src\java\net\jitendra"
directoy. Here is the code of action class:
package net.jitendra;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import java.util.Date;
* <p> Validate a user login. </p>
public class Login extends ActionSupport {
public String execute() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Validating login");
if(!getUsername().equals("Admin") || !getPassword().equals("Admin")){
addActionError("Invalid user name or password! Please try again!");
return ERROR;
return SUCCESS;
// ---- Username property ----
* <p>Field to store User username.</p>
* <p/>
private String username = null;
* <p>Provide User username.</p>
* @return Returns the User username.
public String getUsername() {
return username;
* <p>Store new User username</p>
* @param value The username to set.
public void setUsername(String value) {
username = value;
// ---- Username property ----
* <p>Field to store User password.</p>
* <p/>
private String password = null;
* <p>Provide User password.</p>
* @return Returns the User password.
public String getPassword() {
return password;
* <p>Store new User password</p>
* @param value The password to set.
public void setPassword(String value) {
password = value;
3. Configuring action mapping (in struts.xml)
Now we will create action mapping in the struts.xml file. Here is the code
to be added in the struts.xml:
<action name="showLogin">
<action name="doLogin" class="net.jitendra.Login">
<result name="input">/pages/login.jsp</result>
<result name="error">/pages/login.jsp</result>
In the above mapping the action "showLogin" is used to display the login page and "doLogin" validates the user using action class (
4. CSS file (main.css)
This css file is used to enhance the presentation of the login form. The main.css
is saved into "\webapps\struts2tutorial\css" directory.
Here is the code of main.css:
body {
font: 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
table.wwFormTable {
font: 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #030;
border-style: solid;
color: #242;
background-color: #ada;
width: 30%;
table.wwFormTable th {
table.wwFormTable tr td {
background-color: #dfd;
margin: 5px;
padding: 5px;
.tdLabel {
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #afa;
border-style: solid;
font-weight: bold;
align: top;
.label {
.errorMessage {
color: red;
font-size: 0.8em;
#headerDiv {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px 1px 0px;
border-color: black;
padding: 5px;
background-color: #7a7;
/* height: 22px; */
height: 1.8em;
/* margin-bottom: 12px; */
#buttonBar {
border-width: 0px 1px 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: black;
color: white;
margin-bottom: 12px;
background-color: #7a7;
height: 1.6em;
padding: 5px;
#appName {
color: white;
font-size: 1.8em;
#pageTitle {
font-size: 1.4em;
color: #dfd;
clear: none;
#appName, #pageTitle {
float: right;
#menuContainer {
float: left;
#brandingContainer {
float: right:
text-align: right;
In the next section we will learn how to add validation to the login application.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Struts 2 Login Application
Friday, November 6, 2009
Struts Configuration file - struts.xml
In this section we will introduce you to the struts.xml file. This section explains you how best you can use the struts.xml file for you big projects.
The struts.xml File
The Struts 2 Framework uses a configuration file (struts.xml) to initialize its own resources. These resources include:
* Interceptors that can preprocess and postprocess a request
* Action classes that can call business logic and data access code
* Results that can prepare views using JavaServer Pages, Velocity and FreeMarker templates
At runtime, there is a single configuration for an application. Prior to runtime, the configuration is defined through one or more XML documents, including the default struts.xml document. There are several elements that can be configured, including packages, namespaces, includes, actions, results, interceptors, and exceptions.
The struts.xml file is the core configuration file for the framework and it should be present in the class path of your web application. Features of struts 2 configuration file:
* The struts.xml file allows to break big struts.xml file into small files and configuration files to be included as needed. Here is the example:
<include file="file1.xml"/>
<include file="file2.xml"/>
* You can even place struts-plugin.xml file in the JAR, and it will be automatically plugged into the application. This helps the programmers to develop self-configured components.
* If you want to use the frameworks such as Freemaker and Velocity modules, then the templates can also be loaded from classpath. This enables the developer to package entire module just in single JAR file.
Structure of the struts.xml file
In the last section we developed and tested the Hello World application. Here is the sample struts.xml file from the last example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration
2.0//EN" "">
<constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation"
value="false" />
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
<package name="jitendra" namespace="/jitendra" extends="struts-default">
<action name="HelloWorld" class="net.jitendra.Struts2HelloWorld">
<!-- Add actions here -->
<!-- Add packages here -->
The struts.xml file must confirm to the Struts 2 Document Type Definition (DTD)
The DTD provides information about the structure and the elements that the struts.xml file should have.
Here is the Struts 2.0 DTD :
Struts configuration DTD.
Use the following DOCTYPE
<!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
<!ELEMENT struts (package|include|bean|constant)*>
<!ELEMENT package (result-types?, interceptors?,
default-interceptor-ref?, default-action-ref?, global-results?,
global-exception-mappings?, action*)>
namespace CDATA #IMPLIED
externalReferenceResolver NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT result-types (result-type+)>
<!ELEMENT result-type (param*)>
<!ATTLIST result-type name CDATA #REQUIRED
default (true|false) "false">
<!ELEMENT interceptors (interceptor|interceptor-stack)+>
<!ELEMENT interceptor (param*)>
<!ATTLIST interceptor name CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT interceptor-stack (interceptor-ref+)>
<!ATTLIST interceptor-stack name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT interceptor-ref (param*)>
<!ATTLIST interceptor-ref name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT default-interceptor-ref (param*)>
<!ATTLIST default-interceptor-ref name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT default-action-ref (param*)>
<!ATTLIST default-action-ref name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT global-results (result+)>
<!ELEMENT global-exception-mappings (exception-mapping+)>
<!ELEMENT action (param|result|interceptor-ref|exception-mapping)*>
converter CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT param (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA|param)*>
<!ELEMENT exception-mapping (#PCDATA|param)*>
<!ATTLIST exception-mapping name CDATA #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT include (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT constant (#PCDATA)>
It is possible to remove the “struts.xml” file from your application completely if the functionality of your application does not depends on it. There are few configurations that can be handled alternatively such as annotations, “web.xml” startup parameters, and alternate URL mapping schemes. Still, there are few configurations that always need the “struts.xml” file like the global results, exception handling, and the custom interceptor stacks.
Exploring struts.xml
1. The Package Tag :
Packages are a way to group actions, results, result types, interceptors, and interceptor-stacks into a logical configuration unit. Conceptually, packages are similar to objects in that they can be extended and have individual parts that can be overridden by "sub" packages.
The package element has one required attribute, name, which acts as the key for later reference to the package. The extends attribute is optional and allows one package to inherit the configuration of one or more previous packages - including all interceptor, interceptor-stack, and action configurations.
Note that the configuration file is processed sequentially down the document, so the package referenced by an "extends" should be defined above the package which extends it.
The optional abstract attribute creates a base package that can omit the action configuration.Attribute Required Description name yes key for other packages to reference extends no inherits package behavior of the package it extends namespace no provides a mapping from the URL to the package. abstract no declares package to be abstract (no action configurations required in package)
2. extends – the name of a package that this package will extend; all configuration information (including action configurations) from the extended package will be available in the new package, under the new namespace.
3. namespace – the namespace provides a mapping from the URL to the package. i.e. for two different packages, with namespace attributes defined as “pack1” and “pack2”, the URLs would be something like “/webApp/pack1/my.action” and “/webApp/pack2/my.action”
4. abstract – if this attribute value is “true” the package is truly a configuration grouping and actions configured will not be accessible via the package name. It is important to make sure you are extending the correct parent package so that the necessary pre-configured features will be available to you.
2. The Include Tag:
The tag is used to modularize a Struts2 application that needs to include other configuration files. It contains only one attribute “file” that provides the name of the xml file to be included. This file has exactly the same structure as the “struts.xml” configuration file. For example, to break a configuration file of a finance application, you might choose to group together the invoices, admin, report configurations etc into separate files:
<include file="invoices-config.xml"/>
<include file="admin-config.xml" />
<include file="reports-config.xml" />
While including files, order is important. The information from the included file will be available from the point that the include tag is placed in the file.
There are some files that are included implicitly. These are the “strutsdefault.xml” and the “struts-plugin.xml” files. Both contains default configurations for result types, interceptors, interceptor stacks, packages as well as configuration information for the web application execution environment (which can also configured in the “” file). The difference is that “struts-default.xml” provides the core configuration for Struts2, where “struts-plugin.xml” provides configurations for a particular plug-in. Each plug-in JAR file should contain a “struts-plugin.xml” file, all of which are loaded during startup.
3. The Bean Tag
Most applications won't need to extend the Bean Configuration. The bean element requires the class attribute which specifies the Java class to be created or manipulated. A bean can either
1. be created by the framework's container and injected into internal framework objects, or
2. have values injected to its static methods
The first use, object injection, is generally accompanied by the type attribute, which tells the container that which interface this object implements.
The second use, value injection, is good for allowing objects not created by the container to receive framework constants. Objects using value inject must define the the static attribute.
Attribute | Required | Description |
class | yes | the name of the bean class |
type | no | the primary Java interface this class implements |
name | no | the unique name of this bean; must be unique among other beans that specify the same type |
scope | no | the scope of the bean; must be either default, singleton, request, session, thread |
static | no | whether to inject static methods or not; shouldn't be true when the type is specified |
optional | no | whether the bean is optional or not |
Bean Example (struts.xml)
<bean type="" name="factory" class="" />
4. The Constant Tag
There are two key roles for constants.
1. They are used to override settings like the maximum file upload size or whether the Struts framework should be in devMode(= development mode) or not.
2. They specify which Bean should be chosen, among multiple implementations of a given type.
Constants can be declared in multiple files. By default, constants are searched for in the following order, allowing for subsequent files to override by the previous ones:
* struts-default.xml
* struts-plugin.xml
* struts.xml
* web.xml
The file is provided for backward-compatiblity with WebWork. In the file, each entry is treated as a constant. In the web.xml file, any FilterDispatcher initialization parameters are loaded as constants.
In the various XML variants, the constant element has two required attributes : name and value.
Attribute | Required | Description |
name | yes | the name of the constant |
value | yes | the value of the constant |
Constant Example (struts.xml)
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
Constant Example (
struts.devMode = true
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Struts2 Writing JSP, Java and Configuration for Hello World Application
In this section we will write JSP, Java and required configuration files for our Struts 2 Hello World application. Now in struts 2 struts.xml is used to configure the applications.
Understanding the application
Our application is very simple application that displays Hello World message along with current date and time of the server. When user clicks on the "Run Struts 2 Hello World Application" link on the tutorial home page, a request is sent to the struts framework. Then struts framework sends the input to the action class (in our case After action is fired the Result selects the resource "/pages/HelloWorld.jsp" to render the response.
In this example we have to develop three parts view, Action class and mapping (struts.xml) to couple action and page. By creating these three components we are separating the application in three parts View, Model and Controller.
Developing View:
This page is used to display the result on the browser. The HelloWorld.jsp is view part of our application. Create "HelloWorld.jsp" in the struts2tutorial\pages directory and add the following content:
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<title>Struts 2 Hello World Application!</title>
<h2><s:property value="message" /></h2>
<p>Current date and time is: <b><s:property value="currentTime" /></b>
The line <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> declares data tag library of struts. The struts data tag is used to display the dynamic data. The tag
Developing Action (to interact with Model):
Now create and saves it to the "struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src\java\net\jitendra" directory. This action class creates the message to be displayed on the screen. Here is the code of
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import java.util.Date;
public class Struts2HelloWorld extends ActionSupport {
public static final String MESSAGE = "Struts 2 Hello World Tutorial!";
public String execute() throws Exception {
return SUCCESS;
private String message;
public void setMessage(String message){
this.message = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public String getCurrentTime(){
return new Date().toString();
Developing Controller Configuration File:
Struts 2 uses the struts.xml file for configuring the application. Create struts.xml file and save it in the "struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src" directory with the following content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
<constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="false" />
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
<package name="jitendra" namespace="/jitendra" extends="struts-default">
<action name="HelloWorld" class="net.jitendra.Struts2HelloWorld">
<!-- Add actions here -->
<!-- Add packages here -->
The struts.xml file should be present in the class path of the application, you can either include it in the jar and place in the lib directory of the application or place it in the classes directory of the web application
. In our application we are using ant build tool which is including it in the jar file.
Building the application
I am assuming that you have already installed ant build tool on your machine. Since we are using the ant built tool, building application by using is very easy. To build the application open command prompt and go to "struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src" directory of the web application and issue the "ant" command. The ant build tool will compile the java file and create jar file "struts2tutorial.jar" into the lib directory of your web application. Here is the output of ant build tool:
Buildfile: build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\webapps\struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\classes
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\webapps\struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\classes
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\webapps\struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src\classes
[jar] Building jar: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\webapps\struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\lib\struts2tutorial.jar
Total time: 7 seconds
Testing Struts 2 Hello World Application
In the above section we have compiled our application and now finally we will test our application. To test the application start the tomcat server and type http://localhost:8080/struts2tutorial/ and then select "Run Struts 2 Hello World Application" from the list.
Here is the screen shot of our struts 2 tutorial home page:
Select "Run Struts 2 Hello World Application" link. Our first application "Struts 2 Hello World" will look like the following:
The application will display message "Struts 2 Hello World Tutorial!" along with current date and time of the server.
How application works?
Here is the brief description on how Struts 2 Hello World Application works:
Your browser sends a request to the web server for the URL http://localhost:8080/tutorial/HelloWorld.action.
1. When you click on the "Run Struts 2 Hello World Application" link, the browser sends a request for the url http://localhost:8080/struts2tutorial/jitendra/HelloWorld.action. The container requests for the resource "HelloWorld.action". By default web.xml file of struts blank application is configured to route all the request for *.action through org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher. Here is the configuration from web.xml file:
2. Then the framework looks for the mapping for the action "HelloWorld" and then framework instantiates the appropriate class and calls the execute method. In this case action class is Struts2HelloWorld. Here is the configuration file from struts.xml which defines the action mapping:
3. Then the execute method sets the message and returns SUCCESS.
public String execute() throws Exception {
return SUCCESS;
Then framework determines which page is to be loaded if SUCCESS is returned. In our case framework tells the container to load HelloWorld.jsp and render the output.
In the struts 2 framework Actions are used to process the form and user request. The execute method of the action returns SUCCESS, ERROR, or INPUT value. Then based on these values framework tells the container to load and render the appropriate result.
4. Container process the HelloWorld.jsp and generates the output.
5. Then the output in the HTML format is sent to the browser.
Download the application and source code:
You can download the application and source code of the tutorial and to save your time and efforts spent on configuring the application. Click here to download the code.
Our goal is to provide the working skeleton of the application based on ant tool. So you can download the application and then use ant tool to compile the java classes. Application is in the exploded directory structure and can be deployed as it is on tomcat server. If any of our visitor finds and problem please discuss it. We request you to share your experiences with us.
Struts 2 Hello World Application Example, Learn how to develop Hello World application in struts 2.
In this section we will develop Hello World application based on Struts 2 Framework. Our Struts 2 Hello World application is your first step towards developing applications based on Struts 2 Framework. We are here providing step by step guide for developing Hello World application in Struts 2 framework.
Tutorial covers basic steps like creating directory structure, developing build.xml file to build the application using ant build tool. Then we explained Java, JSP and configuration files that are required in this application.
Creating directory structure for the project
Step1: Extract struts 2 download and copy struts2-blank-2.0.6.war(If you are using latest version of
struts 2 then version may be different for you) to your tomcats webapps directory. Rename struts2-blank-2.0.6.war to struts2tutorial and unzip it in the tomcats webapps directory. Now start the tomcat and type http://localhost:8080/struts2tutorial/ into your browser. You browser should show look like:
Congratulations you have successfully installed struts 2 blank application to start with.
Step 2: Now delete the content of struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src and struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\classes directories, as we don't need these files that comes with struts 2 blank application.
Step 3: Create build.xml file in the struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src and paste the following content in the build.xml file.<project name="Struts 2 Tutorial" basedir="../" default="all">
<!-- Project settings -->
<property name="project.title" value="Struts 2 Tutorials"/>
<property name="project.jar.file" value="struts2tutorial.jar"/>
<path id="class.path">
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="libext">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<!-- Classpath for Project -->
<path id="compile.classpath">
<pathelement path ="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
<pathelement path ="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
<pathelement path ="lib/struts.jar"/>
<pathelement path ="libext/servlet-api.jar"/>
<pathelement path ="libext/catalina-ant.jar"/>
<pathelement path ="classes"/>
<pathelement path ="${classpath}"/>
<!-- Check timestamp on files -->
<target name="prepare">
<!-- Copy any resource or configuration files -->
<target name="resources">
<copy todir="src/classes" includeEmptyDirs="no">
<fileset dir="src/java">
<include name="**/*.conf"/>
<include name="**/*.properties"/>
<include name="**/*.xml"/>
<!-- Normal build of application -->
<target name="compile" depends="prepare,resources">
<javac srcdir="src" destdir="src/classes"
debug="true" debuglevel="lines,vars,source">
<classpath refid="class.path"/>
<!-- Remove classes directory for clean build -->
<target name="clean"
description="Prepare for clean build">
<delete dir="classes"/>
<mkdir dir="classes"/>
<!-- Build Javadoc documentation -->
<target name="javadoc"
description="Generate JavaDoc API docs">
<delete dir="./doc/api"/>
<mkdir dir="./doc/api"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="./src/java"
windowtitle="${project.title} API Documentation"
Documentation (Version ${project.version})</h1>"
bottom="Copyright © 2002">
<classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
<!-- Build entire project -->
<target name="project" depends="clean,prepare,compile"/>
<!-- Create binary distribution -->
<target name="dist"
description="Create binary distribution">
<exclude name="${distpath.project}/${project.distname}.war"/>
<!-- Build project and create distribution-->
<target name="all" depends="project"/>
Step 4: Create directory libext under the struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\ then you copy latest Servlets api jar (in our case servlet-api.jar) file over there. This library file will be used to compile Servlets in our application.
Step 5: Now create directories java and classes under struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src. The directory struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src\java will be used to put all the java sources file and directory struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src\classes will be used by ant build utility to store compiled java files.
Now we have successfully created the directory structure and ant build file for our Struts 2 Hello World Application. In the next section we will create JSP, Java file and the configuration file and then test our Struts 2 Hello World application.
Download and Installing Struts 2
In this section we will download and install the Struts 2.0 on the latest version of Tomcat container. We will first download tomcat and configure it as our development server. Then we will download Struts 2.0 and install the struts-blank application on the tomcat server to check the examples that come with the struts-blank application.
Downloading Struts 2.0
Visit the Struts download site and download the Struts 2.0 for this tutorial.
We have downloaded the Struts 2.0.6 ( for this tutorial.
Download the Tomcat
Download the latest version of tomcat from We have downloaded for this tutorial.
I am assuming that latest version of Java is installed on your system
. Extract downloaded file and run the C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.20\bin\startup.bat to start the tomcat. Type http://localhost:8080/ in your browser, it should show the welcome page in the browser window as shown below.
Congratulations you have now successfully installed latest version of tomcat for learning Struts 2.0. Now we will install the struts-blank application on the tomcat container and test the application.
Extracting Struts 2.0 distribution and installing on tomcat
Extract the downloaded struts distribution into your favorite directory. To install the struts blank application copy "struts2-blank-2.0.6" from "
Feb 25, 2007 11:42:23 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
Feb 25, 2007 11:42:24 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
Feb 25, 2007 11:42:24 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/141 config=null
Feb 25, 2007 11:42:24 PM org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.StoreLoader load
INFO: Find registry
server-registry.xml at classpath resource
Feb 25, 2007 11:42:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 6672 ms
Feb 25, 2007 11:52:55 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deploying web application archive struts2-blank-2.0.6.war
To test the struts-blank application type http://localhost:8080/struts2-blank-2.0.6 in the browser and the struts-blank application get displayed in your browser window.
Click the English link and familiarize yourself with Struts Blank sample application.
Struts 2.0 distribution also contains the following sample applications that you can try:
* struts2-mailreader-2.0.6.war
* struts2-portlet-2.0.6.war
* struts2-showcase-2.0.6.war
You can simply copy these files to the webapps directory of your tomcat server. Tomcat will automatically deploy these applications and then you can test these applications.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Struts 1.x Vs Struts 2.x
In the following section, we are going to compare the various features between the two frameworks. Struts 2.x is very simple as compared to struts 1.x, few of its excelent features are:
1. Servlet Dependency:
Actions in Struts1 have dependencies on the servlet API since the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects are passed to the execute method when an Action is invoked but in case of Struts 2, Actions are not container dependent because they are made simple POJOs. In struts 2, the servlet contexts are represented as simple Maps which allows actions to be tested in isolation. Struts 2 Actions can access the original
request and response, if required. However, other architectural elements reduce or eliminate the need to access the HttpServetRequest or HttpServletResponse directly.
2. Action classes
Programming the abstract classes instead of interfaces is one of design issues of struts1 framework that has been resolved in the struts 2 framework.
Struts1 Action classes needs to extend framework dependent abstract base class. But in case of Struts 2 Action class may or may not implement interfaces to enable optional and custom services. In case of Struts 2 , Actions are not container dependent because they are made simple POJOs. Struts 2 provides a base ActionSupport class to implement commonly used interfaces. Albeit, the Action interface is not required. Any POJO object with an execute signature can be used as an Struts
2 Action object.
3. Validation
Struts1 and Struts 2 both supports the manual validation via a validate method.
Struts1 uses validate method on the ActionForm, or validates through an extension to the Commons Validator. However, Struts 2 supports manual validation via the validate method and the XWork Validation framework. The Xwork Validation Framework supports chaining validation into sub-properties using the validations defined for the properties class type and the validation context.
4. Threading Model
In Struts1, Action resources must be thread-safe or synchronized. So Actions are singletons and thread-safe, there should only be one instance of a class to handle all requests for that Action. The singleton strategy places restrictions on what can be done with Struts1 Actions and requires extra care to develop. However in case of Struts 2, Action objects are instantiated for each request, so there are no thread-safety issues. (In practice, servlet containers generate many throw-away objects per request, and one more object does not impose a performance penalty or impact garbage collection.)
5. Testability
Testing Struts1 applications are a bit complex. A major hurdle to test Struts1 Actions is that the execute method because it exposes the Servlet API. A third-party extension, Struts TestCase, offers a set of mock object for Struts1. But the Struts 2 Actions can be tested by instantiating the Action, setting properties and invoking methods. Dependency Injection support also makes testing simpler. Actions in struts2 are simple POJOs and are framework independent, hence testability is quite easy in struts2.
6. Harvesting Input
Struts1 uses an ActionForm object to capture input. And all ActionForms needs to extend a framework dependent base class. JavaBeans cannot be used as ActionForms, so the developers have to create redundant classes to capture input.
However Struts 2 uses Action properties (as input properties independent of underlying framework) that eliminates the need for a second input object, hence reduces redundancy. Additionally in struts2, Action properties can be accessed from the web page via the taglibs. Struts 2 also supports the ActionForm pattern, as well as POJO form objects and POJO Actions. Even rich object types, including business or domain objects, can be used as input/output objects.
7. Expression Language
Struts1 integrates with JSTL, so it uses the JSTL-EL. The struts1 EL has basic object graph traversal, but relatively weak collection and indexed property support. Struts 2 can also use JSTL, however it supports a more powerful and flexible expression language called "Object Graph Notation Language" (OGNL).
8. Binding values into views
In the view section, Struts1 uses the standard JSP mechanism to bind objects (processed from the model section) into the page context to access. However Struts 2 uses a "ValueStack" technology so that the taglibs can access values without coupling your view to the object type it is rendering. The ValueStack strategy allows the reuse of views across a range of types which may have the same property name but different property types.
9. Type Conversion
Usually, Struts1 ActionForm properties are all Strings. Struts1 uses Commons-Beanutils for type conversion. These type converters are per-class and not configurable per instance. However Struts 2 uses OGNL for type conversion. The framework includes converters for basic and common object types and primitives.
10. Control Of Action Execution
Struts1 supports separate Request Processor (lifecycles) for each module, but all the Actions in a module must share the same lifecycle. However Struts 2 supports creating different lifecycles on a per Action basis via Interceptor Stacks. Custom stacks can be created and used with different Actions as needed.
Why Struts 2
The new version Struts 2.0 is a combination of the Sturts action framework and Webwork. According to the Struts 2.0.1 release announcement, some key features are:
* Simplified Design - Programming the abstract classes instead of interfaces is one of design problem of struts1 framework that has been resolved in the struts 2 framework. Most of the Struts 2 classes are based on interfaces and most of its core interfaces are HTTP independent. Struts 2 Action classes are framework independent and are simplified to look as simple POJOs. Framework components are tried to keep loosely coupled.
* Simplified Actions - Actions are simple POJOs. Any java class with execute() method can be used as an Action class. Even we don't need to implement interfaces always. Inversion of Control is introduced while developing the action classes. This make the actions to be neutral to the underlying framework .
* No more ActionForms - ActionForms feature is no more known to the struts2 framework. Simple JavaBean flavored actions are used to put properties directly. No need to use all String properties.
* Simplified testability - Struts 2 Actions are HTTP independent and framework neutral. This enables to test struts applications very easily without resorting to mock objects.
* Intelligent Defaults - Most configuration elements have a default value which can be set according to the need. Even there are xml-based default configuration files that can be overridden according to the need.
* Improved results - Unlike ActionForwards, Struts 2 Results provide flexibility to create multiple type of outputs and in actual it helps to prepare the response.
* Better Tag features - Struts 2 tags enables to add style sheet-driven markup capabilities, so that we can create consistent pages with less code. Struts 2 tags are more capable and result oriented. Struts 2 tag markup can be altered by changing an underlying stylesheet. Individual tag markup can be changed by editing a FreeMarker template. Both JSP and FreeMarker tags are fully supported.
* Annotations introduced : Applications in struts 2 can use Java 5 annotations as an alternative to XML and Java properties configuration. Annotations minimize the use of xml.
* Stateful Checkboxes - Struts 2 checkboxes do not require special handling for false values.
* QuickStart - Many changes can be made on the fly without restarting a web container.
* customizing controller - Struts 1 lets to customize the request processor per module, Struts 2 lets to customize the request handling per action, if desired.
* Easy Spring integration - Struts 2 Actions are Spring-aware. Just need to add Spring beans!
* Easy plugins - Struts 2 extensions can be added by dropping in a JAR. No manual configuration is required!
* AJAX support - The AJAX theme gives interactive applications a significant boost.
The framework provides a set of tags to help you ajaxify your applications, even on Dojo. The AJAX features include:
1. AJAX Client Side Validation
2. Remote form submission support (works with the submit tag as well)
3. An advanced div template that provides dynamic reloading of partial HTML
4. An advanced template that provides the ability to load and evaluate JavaScript remotely
5. An AJAX-only tabbed Panel implementation
6. A rich pub-sub event model
7. Interactive auto complete tag
Monday, November 2, 2009
Struts 2 Architecture
Struts and webwork has joined together to develop the Struts 2 Framework. Struts 2 Framework is very extensible and elegant for the development of enterprise web application of any size. In this section we are going to explain you the architecture of Struts 2 Framework.
Request Lifecycle in Struts 2 applications
1. User Sends request: User sends a request to the server for some resource.
2. FilterDispatcher determines the appropriate action: The FilterDispatcher looks at the request and then determines the appropriate Action.
3. Interceptors are applied: Interceptors configured for applying the common functionalities such as workflow, validation, file upload etc. are automatically applied to the request.
4. Execution of Action: Then the action method is executed to perform the database related operations like storing or retrieving data from the database.
5. Output rendering: Then the Result renders the output.
6. Return of Request: Then the request returns through the interceptors in the reverse order. The returning request allows us to perform the clean-up or additional processing.
7. Display the result to user: Finally the control is returned to the servlet container, which sends the output to the user browser.
Image: Struts 2 high level overview of request processing:
Struts 2 Architecture
Struts 2 is a very elegant and flexible front controller framework based on many standard technologies like Java Filters, Java Beans, ResourceBundles, XML etc.
For the Model, the framework can use any data access technologies like JDBC, EJB, Hibernate etc and for the View, the framework can be integrated with JSP, JTL, JSF, Jakarta Velocity Engine, Templates, PDF, XSLT etc.
Exception Handling:
The Struts 2 Framework allows us to define exception handlers and inceptors.
* Exception Handlers:
Exception handlers allows us to define the exception handling procedure on global and local basis. Framework catches the exception and then displays the page of our choice with appropriate message and exception details.
* Interceptors:
The Interceptors are used to specify the "request-processing lifecycle" for an action. Interceptors are configured to apply the common functionalities like workflow, validation etc.. to the request.
Struts 2 Architecture
The following diagram depicts the architecture of Struts 2 Framework and also shows the the initial request goes to the servlet container such as tomcat, which is then passed through standard filer chain.
Image: Struts 2 Architecture
The filter chain includes:
* Action ContextCleanUp filter:
The ActionContextCleanUp filter is optional and it is useful when integration has to be done with other technologies like SiteMash Plugin.
* FilterDispatcher:
Next the FilterDispatch is called, which in turn uses the ActionMapper to determine whether to invoke an Action or not. If the action is required to be invoked, the FilterDispatcher delegates the control to the ActionProxy.
* ActionProxy:
The ActionProxy takes help from Configuration Files manager, which is initialized from the struts.xml. Then the ActionProxy creates an ActionInvocation, which implements the command pattern. The ActionInvocation process invokes the Interceptors (if configured) and then invokes the action. The the ActionInvocation looks for proper result. Then the result is executed, which involves the rendering of JSP or templates.
Then the Interceptors are executed again in reverse order. Finally the response returns through the filters configured in web.xml file. If the ActionContextCleanUp filter is configured, the FilterDispatcher does not clean the ThreadLocal ActionContext. If the ActionContextCleanUp filter is not present then the FilterDispatcher will cleanup all the ThreadLocals present.
In this section we have learnt about the Architecture of Struts 2 Framework.